Samuel Hayashida 101
If you don't know me very well/at all, reading this would be a great way to learn some good, basic Sam knowledge.
Here are some basic facts that you will probably know(or at least should) if you've known me for any decent amount of time:
~I am Christian
~I have been homeschooled all my life
~I used to be a hard-core gymnast
~I live in Suffield Connecticut
~I live with three brothers(Micah, Josh, and Caleb) and one sister(Emily)
~I am eccentric(everyone says this, but I mean it for real)
~I am a terrible procrastinator
Here are some things about me that you might or might not know if you've known me for a decent amount of time:
~I attend a Baptist Church(though I don't exactly agree with a lot of Baptist doctrine)
~I own a German/Australian sheperd named "Jenny"
~I play competitive ultimate
~Back in the day, I won the gymnastics Massachusetts State Championship(in all-around), and placed second in the New England Championship(though still to this day it bothers me that I didn't place first; I should have, but I screwed up the meet) for level 6.
~I love the outdoors
~I do not hate math
~I was born in California, and lived there for 6 years
~I am not a huge fan of reading fiction
~I've never actually met the majority of my friends
~Of all types of humor, I prefer the really downright corny, cheesy stuff
Here are some things that you probably don't know about me unless you are a Lagan or a stalker:
~I make my habbitat in an uninsulated, unheated grain silo
~Growing up, my favorite color was pink
~When it comes to formal apparel, I go old-school and wear a suit, trench coat, old-fashioned fedora, gloves, bow tie, and pocket watch
~I am a direct descendant of Patrick Henry
~Growing up, I was obsessed with rocks(and to this day have a handsome rock collection)
~I've never preferred a hamburger over a hotdog or vise versa, but hold them to be of equal value
~On previous occasions I've sprayed random strangers with sun screen spray
~I'm infamous for my lack of common sense
~My favorite joke is as follows(seriously): Why didn't the kid watch the pirate movie? 'Cuz it was rated PG-13!
Here are some things about myself that even I don't know, and, in fact, aren't true:
~I lost seventy pounds two summers ago
~I once had a pet snake named Dean who devoured a can of green spray paint
~I was addicted to asparagus when young, and had to go to an asparagus clinic to break my addiction
~I am often mistaken for Nick Jonas on the streets
And there you have it; basic knowledge about me.
That was hilarious. Really. I laughed out loud. Not lol, actual laughing out loud. My family wanted to know what I was doing.
Well I don't know you that well, but I did know that you are infamous for your lack of common sense.
Does that mean I'm a stalker? :-)
Amy A
lol! Either that, or you're just a very observative bystander.
hm, can't decide if want to be a stalker or an observant bystander. :-) And Grace it was very funny.
~Amy A~
OH, and I hope I sincerely hope that ~I do not hate math
does not mean you do not like math either. Because if so I will proceed to rant about the wonderfulness of math. Just kidding but seriously Math is WONDERFUL. :-)
~Amy A~
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